accept -- Accept an entry into a string addprokey -- program a key addselitm -- add item to selection set addvcmstyle -- create a menu style for use w/ menunew() allcaps -- Convert a string to all caps allfld2tmp -- initialize all temp edit fields aloselitm -- allocates mem for sel item structure at -- Address the cursor atget -- Place an entry in input queue atgetc -- Place an entry in input que atsay -- At location display string atsayget -- At location display and get string atsaynum -- print a numeric value bdos -- calls DOS function (int 21h) bell -- Ring bell blank -- Blank a string bldset -- builds selection set from array bldxset -- builds extended set from array box -- Draw a box buftofile -- transfer edit buffer to disk buildhlp -- build help file index chgvcmstyle -- updates predefined menu styles clect -- internal routine to drive selection sets clrfld -- clear a area to spaces clrgets -- Clear pending gets colormon -- Determine monitor day_name -- Returns pointer to Day name dayofwk -- Day of Week deciget -- decimal input delprokey -- delete a key definition delselitm -- delete item from selection set delvcmstyle -- delete a predefined menu style dflthlp -- Set pointer to help text dispall -- display all displine -- display line disprest -- display rest dracuritm -- draws current menu item dupednode -- make temporary copy edblock -- select block edchkpg -- scrolls until cursor visible edcurbof -- cursor at beginning of file edcurbol -- move to beginning of line edcurbopara -- move cursor to beginning of paragraph edcurbos -- move cursor to bottom of screen edcurdn -- Move cursor down one line edcureof -- move cursor to end of file edcureol -- move to end of line edcureopara -- move cursor to end of paragraph edcurlf -- move cursor to left edcurmvmt -- editor cursor movement key processing edcurrt -- move cursor to right edcurtos -- move cursor to top of screen edcurup -- Moves cursor up eddecptrs -- decrement pointers eddellin -- delete line eddelrt -- delete character under cursor edincptrs -- increment pointers edinsblk -- insert block edinsnls -- insert soft newline edinssp -- inserts space at cursor position edjustline -- justify line edjustpart -- justify line and optionally previous line edjustrest -- justify to end of paragraph edkeyproc -- editor key dispatch function edkilsft -- kill soft spaces edlinlen -- length of line edpgup -- page up edpgdn -- page down edrealcol -- find real column edshoblk -- display block edsrch -- 'search for text' function edscrldn -- scroll down edscrlup -- scroll up edwrapline -- word wraps a line edwrapall -- word wrap everything edwraprest -- wraps cursor to end of paragraph edwrdlft -- move file 1 word left edwrdrt -- move 1 word right elapstim -- Subtract two times empty -- empty a string equip -- Determines equipment erabox -- Erase a box eraeol -- Erase end of line eraeos -- Erase end of screen erase -- Erase the screen evalpic -- evaluate special characters exitkey -- Set exit key filtowdo -- Opens and loads a window file from disk findavl -- checks menu item to see if ``available'' fldrefresh -- print contents of temporary edit field on screen fromjul -- Convert from julian date get -- Place an entry in input queue getalloc -- allocate space for get table entry getdate -- get system date getfld -- Get an entry into a field getmnuitm -- finds a menu item getmnuptr -- returns a pointer to a menu structure getone -- Get a single character getsay -- Display with picture getselitm -- return pointer to selection item gettime -- get system time gettype -- Get type of input getvcmstyle -- gets a pointer to a menustyle getyn -- get a yes/no response hasdata -- tests to see field has data haveauth -- check security clearance hbar -- finds horizontal bar location hclose -- close help file helpkey -- Set help key hfind -- find keyword in help file hload -- load help index into memory hlpsort -- sort help keywords hopen -- opens help file and index hprint -- print help text in window intdate -- convert date to integers isblank -- is a string blank keycomp -- Compare to keys keyrdy -- Check and see if key is ready leapyear -- is it a leapyear ? loadfile -- load disk file into editor buffer lstsellst -- diagnostic routine lstvcmstyle -- lists info on styles ltorinp -- Left to right input mapnum -- Build map for numeric input mapstr -- Builds an input map menuitem -- high level menu item definition menunew -- create a new menu using a menu style menuxitem -- adds item to menu with more program control menuxnew -- returns a pointer to a menu structure mnukey -- jump to menu item by single keystroke month_name -- Returns pointer to month name mov_curs -- move the cursor nextmitm -- moves to previous menu item nocolor -- manually loads mono window color table num2fld -- allocates for numeric edits numpre -- pre-edit function for numeric data types numstrcpy -- copy contents of 2 ``numeric'' strings onefld2tmp -- initialize a temporary edit field picok -- Check for good key prevmitm -- moves to previous menu item prnnum -- Display a formatted number readgets -- Read from get table rtolinp -- right to left numeric input say -- display string sayseg -- display a substring scnprokey -- scan list of programmed keys scrolldn -- hardware scroll scrollup -- hardware scroll seqgetstd -- standard get node sequencer setattr -- Set global attributes setbell -- set bell on or off sethelp -- Set help function setkeyfunc -- Installs new keyboard handler function setloop -- Set loop function setswdo -- initialize all temporary edit fields shiftlr -- Shift left and Shift right sprtnum -- String print number statlin -- Set status line statwno -- initialize all temporary edit fields statsay -- print string on status line str2num -- translate string to numeric strpre -- pre-edit function for strings strpost -- post-edit function for strings tblalloc -- Allocate Get Table terror -- Terminal error routine timeadd -- add two times timeloc -- set location & attribute for Real Time Clock display timeloop -- loop function that will display Real Time Clock at location set by timeloc() tmppic -- Allocate temporary picture toglchkvar -- toggles a menu 'check variable' tohours -- convert days and hours to hours tojul -- to julian number trim -- remove trailing blanks from string ungetone -- Put back a single character urgntmsg -- display important info! valdate -- check to see if valid date vbar -- finds vertical scrollbar location vca_get -- get from screen vca_iput -- low level routine - puts character to screen vca_iget -- low level routine - gets character to screen vca_put -- Write to screen vcaddrc -- Address the cursor vcalloc -- allocate memory from the heap vccurs -- Cursor on or off vcdelay -- zoom delay vcdelfil -- delete a disk file vcdtos -- converts double to string vced -- editor vcedalloc -- create new editor vcedclose -- close editor node. Return memory to heap vcedload -- load a disk file into the editor vcedopen -- create a new editor node/window vcedsave -- save contents of edit buffer to disk vcend -- End Vitamin C vcfclose -- close a disk file vcfopen -- open a disk file vcfree -- return memory to the heap vcglobal -- All global variables vchelp -- get help vcint -- Vitamin C interrupt call vcitos -- converts integer to string vcltos -- converts long to string vcmem -- Memory move vcmenu -- menu driver vcmselbar -- highlights/unhighlights menu bar vcnumstr -- low level work-horse for conversions vcpeek -- Read a value from memory vcpoke -- Poke buffer into memory vcprokey -- keyboard handler routine for program keys vcprtchr -- send character to printer vcprtstr -- send null terminated string to prn vcprtwdo -- send contents of window to printer vcputc -- Put character and attribute vcputs -- put a string to display vcsaveds -- makes edits from ``gets'' permanent vcstart -- Start Vitamin C vcvers -- Display Vitamin C version wabsaddr -- find address of location in window wadjust -- Window move and resize wat -- window at watsay -- Window at location Jion print wattr -- sets or gets window attributes wborder -- prints border on memory screen wbound -- Determines if next Print is in Bounds wcinsert -- Insert spaces into window wclose -- Closes window and updates screen wclr -- Clear the virtual window wcols -- determines width of window on CRT wconflict -- Correct screen image wcoord -- returns the location of window on CRT wctrl -- sets or gets window control byte wcurspos -- retrieve the cursor position within a window wcut -- Cut a section of window wcutout -- Remove window number from display order wdokey -- set window adjust key wfandn -- Fan down open wfanup -- Fan up close werabox -- Erase box with attribute weraeol -- Window erase end of line weraeos -- Erase to end of screen werase -- Erase to end of screen wexpand -- Expand control codes wflip -- Move intersection to scratch window wflop -- Move from scratch window to window whidden -- Check if window is hidden whide -- Make window inactive whit -- Check Screen if character ok winit -- Start Window winfoptr -- returns a pointer to window info structure winter -- Check to see if two window intersect wisctrl -- Check to see if control character wmemloc -- pointer to location in memory where window wmov_cur -- Move the cursor wmove -- Move Window woff -- Turns refresh off won() -- Turn refresh on wopen -- Highest window open wpaste -- Paste a section on window wpickcl -- Pick method of close wpickopn -- Pick method of open wpkarea -- Pick an area of the screen wplace_cur -- Place the cursor wprep -- Prepare all window variables wpulldn -- Pull down from corner wpullup -- Pull up from corner wputattr -- Put attribute to window wputchr -- Put character to window wputs -- Put a string to a window wrd_scrn -- Read the entire screen wrefrsh -- refresh window wremve_c -- Remove the cursor wrestore -- Restore the original screen wrows -- determines vertical size of window wrt_scrn -- write whole screen back wrtb -- remove temporary border wscrn_bl -- blank memory image of real screen wscroll -- Scroll the window wselect -- select a current window wsetmar -- Set window margins wsetup -- setup window structure information wshow -- Show an inactive window wshuffle -- Bring window to top of active list wsscroll -- scroll the window blank the bottom row wstack -- Display the screen correctly wtodisk -- write window to disk wupdate -- Update memory screen wvirtpos -- what part of virtual window visible wvirtsiz -- gets size of virtual window wwrdwrap -- Word wrap utility wwrtdw -- Write down the screen wwrtup -- Write up the screen wwtb -- Write temporary border wxatsay -- Extended atsay() wxopen -- Middle window open wxxopen -- Lowest window open wzoomin -- Close to middle wzoom -- Open from middle xatget -- Place an entry in input queue xatgetc -- Place an entry in input queue xatsay -- At location display string w/attribute xatsaynum -- print a numeric value w/ specified attribute xerabox -- extended erase a box xeraeol -- Erase end of line xeraeos -- eXtended erase end of screen xerase -- Erase screen with attribute xreadgets -- Read from table xxatget -- data input for multiple get tables xxatgetc -- Data input with maximum control